Thursday, April 15, 2010

Top 3 "Guilty" Celebrity Crushes

Who are your Top 3 "guilty" celebrity crushes?

# 3 -  Richard Cypher from Legend of the Seeker.  I don't know what his real name is.  I've seen it a few times but its not registering at the moment.  After seeing this pic, it doesn't really matter.  His name could be Fred.  I.  Don't.  Care.  If you wore nothing but arm bans and carried The Sword of Truth,  your pic may be up here too.  Bazillion ab muscles required.

Here we are taking a walk throught the forrest, together.
Look, he's trying to hold my hand...awe.

# 2 - Chuck.  Not this one, although he is bad ass  Awe-some,

but this one..Chuck Bartowski.  Again with the real names.  Not.  Important.

I bet he was nominated for "Best Smile" in High School.  I guess I'm a nerd at heart.  If this is what nerds look like.  I'm in.  I really just want to be apart of the Nerd Herd, wear the badge and drive the car.  As long as he is there.  Of.  Course.  Come on!  Curls + Smile =( Me )Happy.

# 1- Mr. Fit,  ie. The Hubs.  I actually don't feel that 'guilty' for this one though.  Strange.

Go to Confessions from a Working Mom to play along.


w said...

hahahahaahahaha! oh man. this was hilarious. yes. i'm laughing at your crushes. also. your hubby isn't wearing a polyester jacket. what gives?

Vanessa said...

I read that the guy that plays Chuck is a Christian, too -- bonus! Your hubs is missing his shirt!!

Bossy Betty said...

I really do like the second Chuck! Cute!

Love your outfit in the first picture!

Cleo said...

I personally like Christian Bale and Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow...something about that accent....
Sean Connery's pretty awesome for an older man.!
Daddy Wemmick gets me every time, though! ;)
LOVE how you super-imposed Mr. Fit into that last one!
LMBO @ your commentary throughout the ENTIRE post!

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I might need to go and update my list... I TOTALLY forgot about Chuck (Zach something-or-other is his real name). He is so adorable!!! My husband and I both love watching that show; he'd probably put Chuck's TV girlfriend, Sarah, on his Top 3 list!


The (Un)Experienced Mom said...

I see a theme - guys who are very physical or smart (i.e. Chuck is a geeky guy, right? Never seen the show before!).

Thanks for playing our game and sorry it took so long to stop by!


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